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Editorial The promise of adult neurogenesis for treating and preventing chronic neurodegenerative diseases Warren Ladiges, Gerald Yu Liao Published: Friday, September 13, 2024
Research Article Effect of Pilates versus resistance training on physical fitness in older adults Manisha Rathi, Khushboo Muthiyan, Reema Joshi, Preeti Gazbare Published: Thursday, September 12, 2024
Brief Correspondence Neoadjuvant chemotherapy should only be considered in patients with cT3-T4a muscle-invasive bladder cancer Sytse van Beek, Noor van Ginkel, Joost L. Boormans, André N. Vis, Dutch Cystectomy Snapshot Research Group Published: Thursday, September 5, 2024
Research Article Behavioral and neuropathological features of Alzheimer’s disease are attenuated in 5xFAD mice treated with intranasal GHK peptide Matthew Tucker, Gerald Liao, Joo Young Park, Manuela Rosenfeld, Jackson Wezeman, Ruby Mangalindan, Dan Ratner, Martin Darvas, Warren Ladiges, Addison Keely Published: Monday, August 26, 2024
Interview A natural way for a healthier lifestyle—an interview with Prof. Stephen C. Bondy Alessandro Bitto Published: Friday, August 16, 2024
Letter to Editor Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease of older people Chieh Chen, Da-Ming Liao Published: Friday, August 16, 2024
Editorial The use of 5 alpha-reductase in the era of minimally invasive surgical therapies (MISTs): Is it still valuable? Francesco Greco, Luigi Domanico Published: Wednesday, August 7, 2024
Case Report Robot-assisted pyeloplasty and pyelolithotomy in patient with osteogenesis imperfecta Marco Rinaldi, Carmine Franzese, Jeanlou Collavino, Maria Abbinante, Sekulovic Sekulovic, Gioacchino De Giorgi, Fabio Traunero, Gianluca Giannarini, Alessandro Crestani Published: Monday, July 29, 2024
Original Article The effects of 5-ARIs on prostate volume in patients with or without heart failure and benign prostate hyperplasia: prospective, comparative study Denis Krakhotkin, Volodymyr A. Chernylovskyi, Francesco Greco, Aly M Abdel-Karim, Ali Serdar Gözen, Anastasia G. Korplyakova, Nikolay.Yu Iglovikov Published: Thursday, July 18, 2024
Original Article Effects of Protoves-M1® and IPB-tre® on the prevention and the treatment of irritative symptoms after REZUM therapy of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) Francesco Greco, Salvatore Smelzo, Maurizio Gozo, Antonino Inferrera, Michele Colicchia, Luca Gemma, Luigi Domanico, Oreste Risi, Giovanni La Croce Published: Friday, June 21, 2024
Review Technological evolution in urology: assessing laparoscopic and robotic surgery Juan A. Fulla, José M. Campero, Ricardo Mora Published: Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Review Technological evolution in urology: assessing laparoscopic and robotic surgery Juan A. Fulla, José M. Campero, Ricardo Mora Published: Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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