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  • Older-aged C57BL/6 mice fed a diet high in saturated fat and sucrose for ten months show decreased resilience to aging | Johnson | Aging Pathobiology and Therapeutics

    Older-aged C57BL/6 mice fed a diet high in saturated fat and sucrose for ten months show decreased resilience to aging

    Chloe N Johnson, Lida Zhu, Ruby Mangalindan, Jeremy Whitson, Maryia Sweetwyne, Ana P. Valencia, David J. Marcinek, Peter Rabinovitch, Warren Ladiges


    The ability to respond to physical stress that disrupts normal physiological homeostasis at an older age embraces the concept of resilience to aging. A physical stressor could be used to induce physiological responses that are age-related, since resilience declines with increasing age. Increased fat and sugar intake is a nutritional stress with a high prevalence of obesity in older people. In order to determine the effect of this type of diet on resilience to aging, 18-month-old C57BL/6J male mice were fed a diet high in saturated fat (lard) and sucrose (HFS) for ten months. At the end of the 10-month study, mice fed the HFS diet showed increased cognitive impairment, decreased cardiac function, decreased strength and agility, and increased severity of renal pathology compared to mice fed a rodent chow diet low in saturated fat and sucrose (LFS). The degree of response aligned with decreased resilience to the long-term adverse effects of the diet with characteristics of accelerated aging. This observation suggests additional studies could be conducted to investigate the relationship between an accelerated decline in resilience to aging and enhanced resilience to aging under different dietary conditions. 

    Keywords: Resilience to aging, high-fat diet, physical stressor, C57BL/6J mice, cognition, cardiac function, kidney disease.

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