To provide young scholars with an active academic exchange platform for exchanging ideas with each other and with influential experts in aging and age-related diseases, and cultivate candidates for Aging Pathobiology and Therapeutics (APT), the Editorial Office plans to recruit junior Editorial Board members worldwide from now on. The followings are qualifications, responsibilities and benefits for your reference:
Qualifications• Showing strong interest in academics publishing and having a willingness to be devoted to journal construction; • Under the age of 45, with a doctoral degree or above; have some experience in editing and reviewing academic papers in English; • Having published no less than 5 SCI articles in the past three years as the first or corresponding author; • Fluent in English (both spoken and written) for successful interaction at an international level. Responsibilities• Participating in peer-review work of the journal; • Contributing an Article to the journal during the tenure of two years; • Participating in the journal publicity and promotion, which includes but is not limited to publicizing the publications of the journal on your own social media, forwarding the publications to research partners, and promoting the journal through online/offline conferences; • Providing guidance on topic selection and exploring hot special issues of the journal. Benefits• Having opportunities to interact with senior Editorial Board members/guest editors and authors, participate in and host online meetings, and academics exchange seminars, and carry out scientific research cooperation; • Having opportunities to apply for establishing a special issue, and building a column based on your own plan; all the papers published in the special issue will be published free of charge and polished in English for free; • Enjoying the green channel for faster review and publication of your manuscripts submitted to APT; • The journal will provide certain support to young scholars to participate in international academic conferences and promote our journal; • One or two researchers with similar qualifications can be recommended as the young Editorial Board members of the journal. All applicants may send the application letter to the journal editorial office at, together with CV, with the subject "APT junior editorial board application + name + subject”. All applications will be carefully reviewed and the final decision will be made and emailed to you. |