• 环保材料和可持续生产方式正在成为企业的标配。
  • 5G技术的普及为物联网和智能设备的发展提供了新动力。
  • 虚拟现实和增强现实技术在教育和娱乐领域的应用越来越广泛。
  • 机器人技术在制造业中的应用正在改变生产流程。
  • 5G技术的推广为物联网和智能城市的发展提供了新机遇。
  • 电子竞技的兴起正在改变传统体育的面貌。
  • 随着全球人口老龄化,养老服务和健康管理成为新的社会需求。
  • 社交媒体在政治和社会运动中的作用越来越显著。
  • 电子竞技的流行正在改变体育和娱乐行业的格局。
  • 随着人们对健康意识的提高,健康食品和生活方式受到更多关注。
  • 人工智能在提高生产效率和创新服务方面展现出巨大潜力。
  • 远程工作模式的普及引发了对工作生活平衡和城市居住模式的新思考。
  • 5G技术的普及为物联网和智能设备的发展提供了新动力。
  • 电动汽车的普及推动了能源行业的转型,减少了对化石燃料的依赖。
  • 海洋污染问题引起了全球范围内的广泛关注。
  • 人工智能技术的融合正在推动医疗、工业和服务业的创新。
  • 气候变化引发的自然灾害频发,全球减排行动迫在眉睫。
  • 生物技术在医药领域的应用带来了新的突破和挑战。
  • 气候变化问题再次成为全球关注的焦点。
  • 可持续发展目标推动企业采取更加环保的商业模式。
  • 数字货币市场的波动性吸引了投资者和监管机构的注意。
  • 自动化和机器人技术在制造业中的应用提高了生产效率和安全性。
  • 在线健身和虚拟健身课程在疫情期间迅速流行。
  • 生物多样性的丧失引起了全球对自然保护的重视。
  • 全球经济正在逐步适应后疫情时代的新常态。
  • Invitation to Join Aging Pathobiology and Therapeutics as a Guest Editor

    Invitation to Join Aging Pathobiology and Therapeutics as a Guest Editor

    APT offers the possibility of publishing a special topic  (8-10 articles). These issues will be required to be fully peer-reviewed and all content must be approved by the Editor-in-Chief. Proposals should include an initial title, the guest editors, a brief summary/synopsis of what will be covered, and possible author/title list (with 15-20 potential contributors).



    1) Rats as a re-emerging model for aging research;
    2) The role of histone deacetylase in aging and cancer;
    3) Does premature aging accelerate aging?

    Editor-in-chief:Warren C Ladiges,DVM, MSc, ACLM

    Affiliation: Professor and Director, Geropathology Research Network, Department of Comparative Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA

    Email: wladiges@uw.edu


    4) Cancer immunotherapy, including PD1/PD-L1 blockade and CAR-T cell therapy;
    5) Tumor microenvironment and tumor metabolism;
    6) The application of bioinformatics in tumor occurrence analysis and survival prediction models.


    Editor:Liang Wang, MD, PhD

    Affiliation: Associate Professor, Department of Hematology, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China.

    Email: wangliangtrhos@126.com


    7) Can metformin, which is used to treat diabetes, have an anti-aging effect on people?
    8) How to use the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) to guide the anti-cancer treatment of cancer in the elderly population?
    9) The critical point for diagnosing sarcopenia through muscle measurement;
    10) Can improving the lifestyle of elderly people, developing a habit of continuous exercise, supplementing calories, vitamin D, and protein, improve their frailty?

    Editor:Feng Liu, MD, PhD

    Professor, Chief Physician, Director of Geriatric Cardiovascular Medicine, Director of Geriatric Department, Guangzhou First People's Hospital, Guangzhou, China.

    Email: pfys1103@126.com



    ▪ Determine the scope and prepare a brief introduction for the special issue;

    ▪ Actively participate in article invitations and selection;

    ▪ Pre check submissions to special issues;

    ▪ Make a decision on the special issue manuscript based on the comments of the reviewers;

    ▪ Actively participate in promoting special issues and public awareness.


    Inclusion and exclusion criteria
    ▪ Doctoral and/or medical doctoral degrees;

    ▪ Excellent research records in the field of applied journals;

    ▪ A strong history of publishing articles in international journals;

    ▪ If it is not the mother tongue, then it has competent English proficiency;

    ▪ Having enough time to flexibly carry out the editing work of the special issue;

    ▪ Priority will be given to those with experience in journal editing.


    Email: apt@antpublisher.com

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