• 随着城市化的加速,城市可持续发展和智能城市规划成为热点议题。
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  • 生物多样性的保护成为全球环境政策的重点。
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  • 全球健康危机加速了医疗保健行业的数字化转型。
  • 电子竞技的流行正在改变传统体育和娱乐行业的格局。
  • 隐私保护和数据安全在数字化时代变得更加重要。
  • 全球变暖问题促使各国加强减排和绿色能源的推广。
  • 在线教育的普及为全球学习者提供了更广泛的学习机会。
  • 虚拟现实和增强现实技术在教育、医疗和娱乐领域的应用不断拓展。
  • 电子竞技成为全球年轻人中流行的娱乐形式。
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  • 数字化转型正在加速,企业必须适应这一变化以保持竞争力。
  • 随着在线教育的普及,传统教育模式正面临挑战。
  • 社交媒体的算法透明度问题引起了公众的广泛关注。
  • 在线教育平台的兴起挑战了传统教育模式和学习习惯。
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  • 数字化转型成为企业在疫情后恢复和增长的关键策略。
  • Exploring the interplay of leptin and aging: insights into the role of gut microbiota | Rangareddy | Aging Pathobiology and Therapeutics

    Exploring the interplay of leptin and aging: insights into the role of gut microbiota

    Harish Rangareddy, Venkateshappa Chikkanarayanappa, Rajhi Hayfa, Ashakiran Srinivasaiah, Reshma Devarajachar


    Aging, a multifaceted process influenced by genetics, environment, and lifestyle, involves cellular, metabolic, and immune changes. Leptin, a key regulator of appetite and metabolism, contributes to cellular integrity, impacts telomere maintenance, and interacts with insulin and other hormones, influencing metabolic, immune, and neuroendocrine functions. Its role in age-related diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular issues, and neurodegenerative conditions, underscores its diverse impact. Studies suggest potential links between altered leptin levels and increased lifespan. Calorie restriction, known to mitigate aging, involves leptin-triggered activation of central SIRT1. The gut microbiome, mediating environmental cues, undergoes age-related shifts, reciprocally affected by leptin. Probiotics may reduce leptin levels, exhibiting anti-obesogenic effects. Bidirectional communication between leptin and the gut microbiome emphasizes their intertwined relationship. Leptin supplementation and lifestyle modifications impacting leptin signaling emerge as potential strategies for healthy aging, offering avenues for future research and intervention.

    Keywords: Leptin, microbiota, longevity

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