• 自动化和机器人技术在制造业中的应用提高了生产效率和安全性。
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  • 电子竞技的兴起改变了传统体育和娱乐行业的格局。
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  • 海洋塑料污染问题引起了全球范围内的环保行动。
  • 人工智能在提高生产效率和创新服务方面展现出巨大潜力。
  • 社交媒体在政治、社会和文化领域的影响力持续扩大。
  • 随着环保意识的提高,可持续消费成为新的消费趋势。
  • 数字化转型加速了企业对云计算和大数据技术的依赖。
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  • 随着环保意识的提高,可持续消费成为新的消费趋势。
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  • 虚拟现实和增强现实技术在娱乐和教育领域的应用前景广阔。
  • 网络安全威胁日益严峻,企业需要加强防御措施。
  • 移动支付的普及正在改变消费者的支付习惯。
  • 电动汽车的普及推动了能源行业的绿色转型。
  • 全球健康危机凸显了公共卫生体系的重要性和改革的必要性。
  • 网络安全问题日益严重,个人数据保护成为全球关注的焦点。
  • 随着科技的发展,智能家居和自动化生活正在成为现实。
  • 社交媒体对年轻一代的影响力日益增强,引发对其影响的广泛讨论。
  • Animal Health and Therapy Reports - Message from the Editor-in-Chief | Salman | Animal Health and Therapy Reports

    Open Access | Editorial
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    Animal Health and Therapy Reports - Message from the Editor-in-Chief

    Dear potential contributors and readers:

    On behalf of the Editorial Board (EB) members, I want to welcome you to a new initiative – Online journal under the title Animal Health and Therapy Reports–AHTR (http://www.antpublisher.com/index.php/AHTR/index). As a flattered chosen Editor-in-Chief (EiC) for this journal, I would like to encourage you to contribute to an exchange of information through scientific publications relevant to the general scope and social mandate of animal health. The field of animal health and its research has progressed and evolved to utilize many interdisciplinary science approaches and novel tools, and if we want to maintain and continue this progress it is essential that sharing and demonstrations of these advancements are needed. The animal health sector bridge several sectors such as public health, environmental health, and the large field of human health that is related to the preferences and choices of food intake. A trend in the current scientific publication avenue is, every so often, to focus on topics of animal health of specific disciplines with the result that interdisciplinary “out of the box” observations are wedged when it comes to publications. The start of the AHTR journal can fill this void and I am convinced that publications on interdisciplinary topics of animal health sciences will have an impact on the scientific community and society.
    The intention for AHTR is to extend the digital scientific communication among the various disciplines within animal health topics with a belief that the science of animal health can serve well in utilizing interdisciplinary approaches to solve complex issues related to food, health, and the environment. The AHTR format is an interface where basic and applied research can initiate and be informed by evaluations of practice changes in animal health management. This journal addresses prophylactic and treatment measures for animal disease and other health-related issues that impact the health status of both small and large animal species. The scope of AHTR is unique by addressing the animal health issues in a broad way by encouraging publications of interdisciplinary approaches within the sectors such as small animal medicine and surgery, large animal medicine and surgery, food-producing medicine, population veterinary medicine, production medicine, aquatic medicine, animal husbandry for animal health, animal health economics, animal health policy and strategies, animal health information systems, animal disease management, risk assessment, small and large animal hospital management among others. Wide and diversified editorial board members were chosen to maintain the general scope of this journal (see the list of editorial board members in http://www.antpublisher.com/index.php/AHTR/index). We believe that AHTR is the meeting place to inspire a new network of interdisciplinary scientists and animal health professionals. AHTR is able to address the wicked problems in managing animal health for sustainable societies are addressed by integrating unique methods and advances from a companion, wildlife, and production animal research. The AHTR is an open access, peer-reviewed, international journal available in print and online. More detailed information about the journal like the structure of the journal, Publication Charge, Open Access Policy, etc. can be found at http://www.antpublisher.com/index.php/AHTR.
    The Ant Publishing Corporation (ANT) is scholarly open access and peer-reviewed publisher specializing in biomedical journals across the broad spectrum of science, technology, and medicine. ANT possesses standard publication ethics, a rigorous peer-review process, and rapid publication, aiming to provide a significant contribution to academic exchange. All journals published by ANT select ground-breaking research based on novelty and potential audience interest and are currently working towards being indexed in PubMed, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), BIOSIS, and Scopus.
    Mo Salman on behalf of the entire Editorial Board members.

    Mo Salman, DVM, MPVM, PhD, DACVPM, F.A.C.E
    Animal Health and Therapy Reports
    Email: mo.salman@colostate.edu
    Received: 22 April 2022 / Accepted: 13 May 2022

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