Spontaneous fragmentation of a double J ureteral stent in a patient with a single anatomical kidney
Double J ureteral stents have become a fundamental practice in endo-urology. However, their use is not always without consequences. Fragmentation is a rare and dreaded complication, only a few sporadic cases have been reported in the literature. We are reporting a case of spontaneous fragmentation of double J ureteral stent in a 70-year-old patient who had undergone a simple right-side nephrectomy for the nonfunctioning kidney of lithiasis origin. Two years later, the patient consulted for severe left side loin pain, the biological and radiological based diagnosis was an obstructive renal failure on a single anatomical kidney, the condition was managed urgently by a double J ureteral stenting, and the patient was programmed for rigid ureteroscopy but he stayed out of sight for two years re-consulting after the emission of the distal end of his double J ureteral stent and calculus during urination. The radiographic assessment performed showed a double J ureteral stent fragmented into several pieces. Therapeutic management consisted of extraction of the fragments of the double J stent by ureteroscopy.
Keywords: Lithiasis, ureteral catheter JJ, complication, fragmentation, endourology